Wednesday, November 16, 2011

addendum to minutes: luminaries/block captains

The Nov. 12 meeting included brief discussion of displaying sidewalk luminaries some night in December. Consensus was that this is a project we'd like to execute but that without block captains or some other form of street by street organization it would be hard to pull off in the entire neighborhood this year. It was agreed that the first order of business toward making this happen would be asking for volunteers in each area of the neighborhood to communicate about the project with neighbors, pick up materials, etc. Materials involved are simple: small paper sack with a little sand in the bottom, candle or led faux candle inside. If folks would like to try to do it this year we would need to get organized quickly--please get in touch if you would like to do that. If we don't try it neighborhood-wide this year we can put it on a summer meeting agenda and shoot for next year.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Goat Farm Property on-line survey

John Evans and research partner Michelle Orr have created a survey to collect input on possible uses of the Goat Farm property. Here's the link to the web survey and more information from Mr. Evans:

The Goat Farm is over 30 acres of greenspace with a 4000 sq. ft. barn located off of Winslow Rd. Our goal is to gather public input on potential uses for this property. All your responses will be kept confindential. This is a great opportunity for you to help determine how natural resources are used in your community.

You can take the survey by clicking on the link above anytime until Nov. 30, 2011.

Please note that the Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department has NO predetermined timeline, budget, or uses for the Goat Farm Property. Again the purpose of this survey is to gather public ideas and input.
Also because of the conditions in the deed when the land was donated, the Goat Farm Property can not be used for commercial or housing development.

Thank you and your input is greatly appreciated.

November 12th, 2011 meeting minutes

Welcomed everyone
Asked for suggestions for future meeting space. A suggestion was Sherwood Green activity center. We will follow up, as it would be within walking distance for our neighborhood.
Also, suggested we include them in our group as a “sister group” or involved in some projects.

Vickie Provine from H.A.N.D. (housing and neighborhood development) spoke to the group about:
Neighborhood Link website
Clean up grant
Citizen’s Academy
Blooming Neighborhoods at the Farmer’s Market. Neighborhoods have booths to represent themselves and their neighborhood projects
Small and Simple Grants
Neighborhood Directory and/or Newsletter
Welcome magnets- free to hand out to newcomers

Goat Farm Property Presenters: John Evans and Michelle Orr spoke about their student project for Parks and Recreation to access neighbor opinion of the site
Sherwood Oaks, Bentley Court and the Stands are stakeholder neighborhoods.
The site is 31 acres northeast of the treeline north of Sherwood Oaks park.
There will be a public meeting
John and Michelle will create a website where we can post our ideas for the property.
There is no budget or timeline at this time.
The property was deeded as recreation and green space.
Ideas brought up: barn as activity center or nature center, continue the Jackson creek trail around behind the barn to meet up with current trail, more benches, birdhouses, dog park.

Getting the Word Out:
Please talk to your neighbors-e-mail me contact information for anyone interested in being on the e-mail list.
Volunteer Block Captains to reach out and to inform those neighbors without internet access
Flyer the neighborhood. We will create an informational flyer, two to a sheet. Members asked that the flyer be attached in an e-mail so that they can print their own to hand out on their street.
Many asked me about a bulletin board format and more exchange between people, any ideas? Would a page on Facebook work?

There will be a voluntary $5 per year fee per home.
Spoke of the possibility of Neighborhood business owners sponsoring projects.
Special projects may need financial contribution- for example, landscaping around our signs

There will be quarterly meetings.
Special meetings will be called when there is an item to discuss.

Sidewalk Condition
During Q&A with Vickie, a member asked about contacting the city about sidewalk repair. We were informed that the sidewalks are the homeowners responsibility. A neighbor said that last summer he had his sidewalk replaced and that the city provided the labor and brought materials but that he was responsible for the cost of the materials only.
Many present shared the concerns on sidewalk condition. Two neighbors have volunteered to gather information on the process of working with the city to have this work done. They will bring that info back to the group and we may hold a special meeting for those interested.

We ended at noon. Thank you to all who could make it. Creating a neighborhood assocation is quite an undertaking. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work out the kinks. Those who have volunteered to help the organizing team will be contacted soon! Please stay tuned for our next quarterly meeting in February. We intend to put up signs as reminders.
Also, watch your e-mail for an announcement on the Goat Farm Project and an informational meeting on sidewalk upkeep.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

curbside leaf collection info from the city

The City of Bloomington's Street Department has developed a website to track when they will be picking up leaves in each neighborhood. Here is the link The site will be updated on a regular basis. Curbside Pickup: One-pickup Only

Leaves at all residences must be at curb by NOVEMBER 14, 2011. Each residence will receive one pickup between November 14 - December 30, 2011. (Monday-Friday, 7:30am to 3:00pm) All leaves must be as close to the curb as possible and may not be in the roadway or around fire hydrants. Leaves will be vacuumed, so please DO NOT include other waste as it may clog equipment. In case of inclement weather (snow, ice, etc.) the leaf collection schedule may be modified. If you have any questions you can email