Friday, August 22, 2014

Little Free Library now open!

The SON Little Free Library is open!  The concept is "take a book, leave a book" so if you have a book you think a neighbor would like to read feel free to bring it and leave in the library. Thanks again to Bob Boch and Greg Abbott for installing!!
Enjoy, everyone.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

SON Meeting Minutes - August 16, 2014

Meeting Called By: General Assembly 
Note Taker: Tisa Bowden
Start Time: 10:04am
Real Estate Update Juan Carlos Carrasquel
Discussion: There is a recently updated website with neighborhood home sales: Neighbors are urged to maintain their
property and update their home interiors because their property values will increase. Homes sold this year versus previous years is a bit lower than average due to some homes needing updating—and taking longer to sell. Check website for current homes for sell and statistics about the neighborhood.
Other Information: There was a side discussion about whether a neighbor’s lack of maintenance will affect home value—Juan responded yes, in part, but the best you can do is to make sure your home is well maintained. If things really get out of control with grass or landscaping the city may be called to enforce fines.
Conclusions: Typically 20 to 25 homes in Sherwood Oaks and Sherwood Oaks 2 change over within 1 year. The more work you put into your home the more money you will get out. There are neighbors in Sherwood Oaks that provide home remodeling services.
Action Items: None mentioned 
Block Captains Lauren Morrison
Discussion: The neighborhood is looking for “Block Captains” to be responsible for neighborly relations for a block of 25 to 40 houses surrounding their own. 15 groupings were displayed on a map and members were encouraged to sign up to be captains for their group. 5 new captains signed up.
Other Information: Suggestions for captain’s responsibilities include: welcoming new neighbors with a friendly face (and maybe baked goods), drumming up support for SON general assembly meetings, encouraging block parties and/or ice cream socials.
Conclusions: More block captains are still needed in order to cover all of SON. Please e-mail Lisa at
Action Items: Block Captains will be contacted via e-mail with Person Responsible: Lauren Morrison Deadline: August 22nd, 2014 additional information
Directory of Services Lauren Pester
Discussion: Sherwood Oaks has over 400 households with many talented people. If you live in SON and would like to advertise your work or hobby for free, please sign up for our “SON services directory” by e-mailing with your Name, Service Offered, and Contact Info.
Other Information: Services Offered could include: Baking for new neighbors (block captains could call on these people for baked goods); Producing Art Work or Jewelry, a Mary Kay (or other beauty product) Rep; Home remodeler/painter; Dog Walker, Lawn Mower, etc. etc.
Conclusions: Service Directory to come, pending participation
Action Item: Compile Service Directory Person Responsible: Lauren Morrison Deadline: TBD
Little Free Library Lisa Wrasse
Discussion: The Little Free Library (LFL) is ready to be installed. SON is waiting on Lowe’s to install the post—they have canceled the past 2 dates due to
possible rain. The LFL will include books for both children and adults and will be located at 3728 S. Bainbridge (once post is installed). Donations for books are being accepted.
Other Information: The LFL is FREE! You may take a book and leave a different book OR you may return the book you borrowed. The LFL runs on the honor system.
Conclusions: E-mail will be sent when post installation is complete to encourage members of SON to begin using the LFL.
Action Item: Post Installation Person Responsible: Lowe’s Deadline: ASAP
LFL UPDATE: Post has been installed (thanks Bob Boch!) and library will be up and running this weekend!
Treasury Update Bob Boch
Discussion: A $5 donation per household for SON is encouraged annually. The more funds SON receives, the more services/events we can offer. There is currently $286 in SON Checking Account at First Financial.
Other Information: Funds are used for projects such as the Luminary Display. A side discussion was held about improved safety on B-Line Trail. Thank you City of Bloomington for listening to members of SON and other neighborhood associations.
Conclusions: Donations can be sent to Bob. Checks to be made out to Sherwood Oaks Neighborhood.
Action Item: Donate $5 Person Responsible: ALL SON Members Deadline: At your Conveneince
Crawford Apartments Bob Boch
Discussion: There have not been any problems with Crawford Apartments that relate to the neighborhood. The police or a liaison are generally always on site, but have thus far only responded to medical emergencies. Some people have been asked to leave if they were not fulfilling the mission of Crawford. Those apartments have been filled with new candidates.
Other Information: Crawford Apartments is looking for volunteers to assist residents with basic living skills (such as budgeting, grocery shopping, socialization, etc). Residents of Crawford Apartments must be considered chronically homeless to qualify for an apartment and be willing to receive services (such as social work, mental health, vocational rehab, etc) to gain and maintain employment. A member of the board of Crawford was discussed as a potential Speaker for the next general assembly meeting.
Conclusions: Residents of Crawford Apartments must be considered chronically homeless to qualify for an apartment and be willing to receive services (such as social work, mental health, vocational rehab, etc) to gain and maintain employment.
Action Item: E-mail if wishing to Volunteer Person Responsible: SON Members Deadline: none
SON Yard Sale Lauren Morrison
Discussion: SON Yard Sale will be held from 8am to 12pm on 9/6 with a rain date of 9/13. ALL families are welcome to participate by holding your own garage sale. You may post your own yard signs, additional signage at top and bottom of Allendale will be provided by SON.
Other Information: SON Yard Sale will also be advertised on Craigslist and potentially in the Paper. ReStore has been contacted for a potential pick up on Saturday so that any unwated, unsold items can be picked up by ReStore and donated to benefit Habitat for Humanity. Contact Lisa at if interested in ReStore Pick up. They take any household items (appliances, nails, light fixtures, furnature etc.—do not take clothing, toiletries, perishables)
Conclusions: All families encouraged to hold a yard sale—the more families, the more sales.
Action Item: E-mail SON if wanting ReStore Pick up Person Responsible: SON Members Deadline: August 24th

***Looking For Volunteers For December Luminary Display!! 
Please e-mail***

End Time: 11:00am
Attendees: Pat Jefferies, Lisa Wrasse, Tisa Bowden, Bob Boch, Judy Devore, Lauren Morrison, Juan Carlos Carrasquel, Brenda Ogborn, Kelly Rockhill, Katy Strand, Frances Strand, Maryjane McNabb (and 4 others)