The Sherwood Oaks Neighbors executive committee met last week to plan for this fall. We discussed the following items, which will be on our fall neighborhood wide meeting agenda:
1) Jackson Creek Trail/Sherwood Oaks connector trail project: As you may know, this trail connects the Linda's Way cul de sac with Jackson creek Trail. Using funds SON received through the City's Neighborhood Improvement Grant program a handrail and new concrete pad have been installed by ABC Construction. It is now time for phase 2 of the project, which involves clearing overgrowth & debris, installing 5 additional boardwalks, and spreading mulch. For this phase we have the very great fortune to have an Eagle Scout candidate, Wesley Clark, in the neighborhood. Wes, his dad Tom Clark, and his Boy Scout troop have volunteered to complete this phase of the project by mid-October. If they find they need additional volunteers I will get the word out. So please stay tuned for announcements about that. It's going to be beautiful. Thanks Wes!!
2) December Miles of Lights luminary display: To cover more of the neighborhood this year we, ideally, need a volunteer from each street or block. If you are willing to help with this project please e-mail We have a tentative date of Dec. 13th for this year's Miles of Lights but that's not set in stone. If you missed our first annual Miles of Lights last year you can see pictures here:
3) Greeting new neighbors: We talked about the need for reaching out to new folks moving into Sherwood Oaks to let them know about SON and just help them feel welcome. We have magnets from the City of Bloomington with useful info for this very purpose, and we can also come up with a little SON brochure, etc. As with the Miles of Lights it would be nice if we had block captains or something similar for this project. But, we'll happily take any volunteers we can get. If you are interested in reaching out to new neighbors please e-mail
We are looking at planning an October neighborhood wide meeting to discuss the above items. More on that soon. Thanks!
Happy Autumn (well, almost),