Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Miles of Lights wrap up 2015

On December 6, 2015 Sherwood Oaks Neighbors held it's annual Miles of Lights luminary display. The neighbors pulled together to put on a spectacular display to celebrate this holiday season. Luminaries lined the main thoroughfares of the Sherwood Oaks, Sherwood Oaks 2, Sherwood Estates, and Woods Edge to bring our neighborhood together in this annual tradition. Each individual candle cast only a small light in the dark night, but when joined with the thousands of others lit the night in a powerful and uplifting display. May this be a season of hope and peace!

Thank you to all of the neighbors who donated their time and talent to make this event come to life. Sherwood Oaks Neighbors collected over 110 pairs of socks to donate to the Shalom Center and the display was enjoyed by people throughout the city.

--Karen Cole, Miles of Lights chairperson

Friday, December 4, 2015

Miles of Lights Letter to the Editor

Published Friday, December 4, 2015 in The Herald-Times 

To the editor:
On Sunday (Dec. 6), neighbors of Sherwood Oaks, Sherwood Estates and Woods Edge will line their streets with luminaries for all to enjoy.
The annual Sherwood Oaks Neighbors Miles of Lights tradition began on the very day of the Sandy Hook massacre.
Two years later, Miles of Lights happened to coincide with the third anniversary of that horrible tragedy.
Now back to back unspeakable violence in Paris and San Bernadino serve as a backdrop to our neighborhood lights.
And so, Miles of Lights has come to be about more than just setting out candles on a dark December night.
It is about people coming together to make something beautiful for each other, remembering just how precious life is.
Each light matters.
Every neighbor matters.
Our candles are not the concrete action needed to fight the proliferation of guns and culture of violence in this country but they are, at least, a visual statement that there is still more light than dark.
The violence does not define us.
It is not who we are.
Lisa Wrasse