What a beautiful day we shared at the Fall Pitch in at the Park Sunday October 23, 2016. Approximately 25 Sherwood Oaks Families came together with little ones in costume to play, enjoy treats and discuss some of our current issues in the neighborhood. Entertainment was provided by Anna Wrasse , and everyone brought their favorite fall desserts.
Melissa Patee from Smithville Fiber Services spoke to our group about the possibility of fiber optic lines being installed in our neighborhood. We will be starting a campaign to share the information and find out what kind of interest we have from the neighbors. We must have at least 200 of the 500 homes interested in order to move forward with consideration from Smithville Fiber Services. Please help spread the word that Smithville Fiber may be coming!
Bob Boch spoke to our group about the large number of multi unit housing complexes being built mainly in the South side of Bloomington and requested anyone interested in joining with him to voice our concerns to the City to please let him know. If you are interested in voicing your concerns, please email Sherwoodoaksneighbors@gmail.com.
Tisa Bowden finished up by discussing the increasing number of stolen signs and pranks happening in the neighborhood. SON will be working on providing more information to the members concerning our Neighborhood Watch contact person. Lastly the 2016 Sherwood Oaks Neighbors Miles of Lights luminary display was mentioned. If you are interested in helping with the display this year please e-mail sherwoodoaksneighbors@gmail.com. Thank you for all who attended and those who helped make it a wonderful day!