Sunday, October 9, 2011

Oct. 1 organizational meeting minutes

The inaugural meeting for “Sherwood Oaks Neighbors” took place on Saturday, October 1st at Sherwood Oaks Park. The weather was beautiful and we had a great turn-out. Thank you so much to those whose schedules allowed them to attend.

WE HAVE ESTABLISHED A NEW CONTACT ADDRESS: If you know of neighbors that would like to stay informed but do not have e-mail access, we will be happy to mail them updates. Also, please take a look at our neighborhood blog:
for information and events.

As this was an organizational meeting, no decisions were made or motions passed. The organizers introduced themselves and talked about their inspiration and goals for a neighborhood association. They are Lisa Wrasse, Noma Maier , Ceci Schrock, and Ellen Lyon. Our goal is to create a greater sense of community. We love the idea of reaching out to our neighbors to plan neighborhood events like block parties, ice cream socials and garage sales. We also want to have an efficeint way to get word out about issues such as safety and pitching in to help neighbors in need. Many of us have other projects in mind so we have registered our group with the city in order to take advantage of the initiatives Bloomington has to offer.

The bulk of our first meeting was to have everyone introduce themselves. In that way we were able to learn more about each other and hear some of the ideas for what we may accomplish as a group. One of the attendees was the very first resident of Sherwood Oaks, Wilbur Turner. Mr. Turner moved into the neighborhood in October of 1965. There were several others who have made Sherwood Oaks their home for many years and also families,like mine, that have recently moved in. All agreed this is a great place to live! The city provided us with a map that was available for all to view the homes included within our association boundaries. The homes, comprised of Sherwood Oaks I and II, number 471!

The next meeting is set for Saturday, November 12th at 11 a.m. Vickie Provine of HAND, Housing and Neighborhood Development, will be our guest speaker. She will outline what Bloomington has to offer organized neighborhood associations. Another e-mail will be sent when we have finalized a meeting space. Kim Baer is looking into meeting at the Lighthouse Christian Church, as it is the closest venue. If anyone has suggestions for a space, please let us know.

We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting,

Ellen, Lisa, Noma and Ceci
Sherwood Oaks Neighbors

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